January 26, 2010

DEA: Latest Updates

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has announced two core positions (200 jobs nationwide), the Criminal Investigator (Special Agent) and the Diversion Investigator. The Special Agent position was to be posted on January 25, 2010; please see www.dea.gov for further instructions on this position, and how to apply. This vacancy is only open for one week.

January 25, 2010

Federal Judges Still Posting Clerkships

As a quick reminder, federal judges continuously post clerkship opportunities throughout the year. Some of these positions are only temporary, or come about very quickly due to resignations so make sure you are receiving the weekly email update from the OSCAR system, or better yet, checking a couple of times a week. For example, one clerkship was posted on January 19th, and is closing on the 29th.