Spark Mentorship Program Volunteers Needed
Spark is an award-winning national nonprofit that provides "dream job" opportunities to middle school students and a relevant context for learning through hands-on, individualized apprenticeships. In the coming weeks, Spark will be looking for volunteer lawyers to invite students into their offices once a week for two hours over the course of eight weeks, teach them what it is like to have their dream career, and talk to them about how staying in school can help them achieve this dream. To volunteer or for more information, contact Tienne Harris at 312-470-4300 ext 4503.
The YLS Public Outreach Committee is teaming up with the Center for Disability & Elder Law for a Serving Our Seniors event on March 14, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Volunteers participating in the day-long program will earn CLE credit and have the opportunity to help low-income seniors draft estate planning documents, including powers of attorney for healthcare and property and living wills. Estate planning experience is NOT necessary. Get all the details at (under Events).CBF Pro Bono Support Program
Pro bono programs in and around Chicago have a variety of opportunities for you to help, and the CBF is available to help you find a pro bono opportunity that fits your skills, interests, and availability. The CBF Pro Bono Opportunities Guide is designed to help you find a pro bono program that fits your needs. For a hard copy of the Guide or for more information on pro bono opportunities, contact CBF Pro Bono Director Kelly Tautges at or visit