Adopt-a-Beach-October 4
Join the YLS Environmental Law Committee, in association with the Alliance for the Great Lakes, and participate in an Adopt-a-Beach clean-up event on October 4, 6:00-7:00 p.m., at Oak Street Beach, 1000 N. Lake Shore Drive. Volunteers will work in groups of three to collect, sort, and classify the items found on the beach using Adopt-a-Beach worksheets. Volunteers will also remove litter and complete a beach health assessment form. Supplies for the clean-up will be provided. Wear closed-toed shoes and bring water. To volunteer, email Joey Barnett.
The Young Lawyers Section will host its 31st Annual Moot Court Competition on November 15-17, 2012, at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago. This year we have 30 teams competing from across the country. The YLS needs attorneys to act as competition judges and brief graders. Volunteer brief graders are asked to review and critique approximately 4-5 briefs near the middle of October and volunteer competition judges are needed on the evenings of November 15 and 16 (5:30 or 7:30 p.m.). Competition judges may be eligible to earn Illinois MCLE credit (for more information, contact the CLE Department). To volunteer, contact Jenni Bertolino or 312-554-2031 and indicate your volunteer preference.CBF Pro Bono Support Program
Pro bono programs in and around Chicago have a variety of opportunities for you to help, and the CBF is available to help you find a pro bono opportunity that fits your skills, interests and availability. The CBF Pro Bono Opportunities Guide is designed to help you find a pro bono program that fits your needs. For a hard copy of the Guide or for more information on pro bono opportunities, contact CBF Pro Bono Director Kelly Tautges at or visit