January 22, 2009

Interviewing: Part II

Appearances Make a First Impression

1. Dress Professionally
  • Clean nails, hair tied back or neatly styled
  • Limited jewelry and polished dress shoes, with low or flat heel
  • Pressed suit and blouse/shirt/pants
  • Understated tie (men) and nylons (women)
2. Don't Carry Too Much - Leave your backpack or jam-packed briefcase at home, school or your office. A slim portfolio with a notepad and pen is appropriate and should also include:
  • Multiple copies of your resume and a list of reference with full contact information
  • Your writing sample and transcripts
Make sure you are carrying your portfolio in your left hand when being introduced so you can shake hands easily.

3. Smile
It is natural to be nervous but being so nervous that you neither smile or laugh at jokes during an interview will give you a poor showing. Don't be afraid to take a deep breath before answering questions -- the interviewer won't notice, you'll gather your thoughts and provide a more thoughtful answer.

4. Body Language
Sit up straight, maintain good eye contact, and use appropriate facial expressions. Have a firm handshake and smile when you meet the interviewer.