This week's Symplicity statistics: 31 new events and 106 new job postings have been listed on Symplicity. Stop by the office if you'd like help with setting up search agents to complement the job blasts to make sure you don't miss any! Here's a sampling:
- 17371: Law Clerk for Ed Fox & Associates
- 17431: Summer 2013 Internship with Department of Homeland Security
- 17322: ALDF Litigation Fellowship
- 17400: Spring 2013 Immigration & Customs Enforcement Law Clerk
- 17366: National Anti-Vivisection Society Internship
- 17331: Jamie M Trapp & Associates Law Clerk
- 17410: Deferred Actinon for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Interships & Pro Bono Opportunities
Reminder: 3Ls: The dates for the Presidential Management Fellows program application have been set for November 5-19, 2012. An information session will be held on October 16. You are encouraged to make an appointment with Associate Director Alisa Rosales to create a federal style resume for this, amongst other, federal job openings. More details here.
As a reminder, the blog has moved to the College of Law's blog site. Latest Law Career Services Blog posts:
- Legal Community Events Next Week
- Next Week's CBA Meetings
- Environmental Law Society Career Panel
- Sex Trafficking Involvement Opportunities
- CBA Volunteer Opportunities
- Etiquette Tip of the Week: How Nice to Meet...
- CBA CLE Programs & News
- CBA Special Events
- PMF Resources from govloop
- 2Ls: Upcoming Government Program Application Deadlines
- 3Ls/LLMs/JLCs: Upcoming Government Application Deadlines
Next Week's Calendar - check out Symplicity, the College of Law, and local bar association calendars for more events, training and networking opportunities, and deadlines. We've moved the off-site events to a weekly blog post as well. Don't forget about next week's CBA Meetings.
Tuesday, October 16
- 8:00 AM: ASK Networking Breakfast - Transcending Cultural Boundaries, DePaul Center, DePaul Club
- 12:00 PM: Understanding the Affordable Care Act (Part 1), 804 Lewis
- 3:00 PM: Partnership for Public Service Webinar, Decoding the Presidential Mangaement Fellows (PMF) Process, 341 Lewis