September 14, 2012

Next Week in LCS - 9/14/2012

This week's Symplicity statistics: 16 new events and 109 new job postings have been listed on Symplicity.  Stop by the office if you'd like help with setting up search agents to complement the job blasts to make sure you don't miss any!

We have some employers who have reached out to DePaul specifically to fill the following posts:

  • 17287: Non-Profit Health Organization Seeks Assistance with Health Law & Risk Management Issues
  • 17146: 2L Personal Injury Litigation Law Clerk in the Loop

Law Career Services is also hiring! Are you looking for a job that fits your schedule while you learn more about public interest career opportunities? Alisa Rosales is looking to hire two energetic students to serve as Public Interest Coordinators.  See Symplicity Job Posting #17217 for more details.

Don't forget to mark your latest resume approved in Symplicity as your DEFAULT Resume.  This enables you to quickly and easily attach that document to Symplicity job postings and in the Resume Books that employers use to find potential candidates.  Here's more information on the Resume Books....

September 13, 2012

CBA Meetings for Week of September 17, 2012

September 18

Federal Taxation, Younger Members Division Y (IL MCLE Credit)

Tax implications of crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding for different business ventures.

Building Your Professional Image (While Networking)

ASK Networking Breakfast: Building Your Professional Image

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:00am - 9:00am Loop Campus, DPC, 11th Floor, DePaul Club

Enjoy light complimentary breakfast as you learn about building a strong professional presence, networking etiquette, and nonverbal professionalism at our first ASK breakfast of the year. Leading the discussion will be ASK mentor and communications expert Noeleen McGrath.

September 12, 2012

9/29: Explore The Possibilities: Pro Bono & Public Interest Law Opportunities

The Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI), the Chicago Area Law School Consortium (CALSC) and Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) has organized a law student program,  Explore The Possibilities: Pro Bono & Public Interest Law Opportunities. The program will take place on Saturday, September 29th from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Chicago-Kent College of Law.  Advance registration is required by September 24th for this complimentary program by email to rsvp [at] If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for helping us spread the word about this event.

CBA Volunteer Opportunities

CBF Pro Bono Support Program

Pro bono programs in and around Chicago have a variety of opportunities for you to help, and the CBF is available to help you find a pro bono opportunity that fits your skills, interests and availability. The CBF Pro Bono Opportunities Guide is designed to help you find a pro bono program that fits your needs. For a hard copy of the Guide or for more information on pro bono opportunities, contact CBF Pro Bono Director Kelly Tautges at or visit

CBA News & Events

CBA Members Asked to Comment on Forced Periodic Shutdowns of the Federal District Court in Chicago and Rockford, Illinois

CBA members are being asked to provide comment on the proposed plan for forced periodic shutdowns of the Federal District Court in Chicago and Rockford, Illinois during 2013 due to lack of funding. Chief Judge Holderman is asking members whose clients will be impacted by these cuts to

September 11, 2012


Are you interested in federal government opportunities? Major changes have come down from the Office of Personnel Management for internship, postgraduate, and the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program. From our friends at PSJD:

Uncle Sam recently implemented large-scale changes to the federal hiring system. 

CBA Continuing Legal Education

Understanding Financial Statements (2.25 IL MCLE Credit)

September 11/2:00-4:30 p.m./$80 Member/$160 Nonmember/$60 Gov't Member

CBA Special Events

Young Lawyers Section Voter Registration Drive - September 12

With the presidential election just months away, the YLS is teaming up with The League of Women Voters of Chicago for a Voter Registration Drive on September 12, 2012. The registration drive will take place at CBA Headquarters, located at 321 S Plymouth Ct., from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. CBA members as well as members of the public are welcome. In order to register you must

September 10, 2012

3Ls/LLMs/JLCs: Upcoming Government Program Application Deadlines

The following government programs have 3L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2012-13 Government Honors & Internship Handbook (login/password located in the Symplicity Homepage Quick Links).  

Postgraduate Positions
•    Washington Attorney General – Preferred Pool Status in Attorney Hiring (Paid, Deadline 09/12/12)
•    Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General – Fellowship Program (Paid, Deadline 09/14/12)
•    Oregon Department of Justice – Honors Attorney Program (Paid, Deadline 09/14/12)
•    Federal Trade Commission – Bureau of Competition Entry Legal Attorney Program (Paid, Deadline 09/15/12)

2Ls: Upcoming Government Program Application Deadlines

The following government programs have 2L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2012-2013 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, (login/password located on the Symplicity Home Page Quick Links).  Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Spring 2013 Programs
•    Department of Health & Human Services – Office of Counsel to the Inspector General Legal Extern Program (Unpaid, Deadline 09/21/12)
•    The White House Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 09/23/12)
•    Environmental Protection Agency – R8 Office of Regional Counsel Volunteer Intern Program (Unpaid, Deadline 09/30/12)
•    Sacramento County CA District Attorney’s Office – Law Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 09/30/12

Summer 2013 Programs
•    Environmental Protection Agency – Region 9 Volunteer Intern Program (Unpaid, Deadline early Sept.)
•    Federal Trade Commission – Bureau of Consumer Protection 2013 Summer Law Clerk Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 09/14/12)
•    Central Intelligence Agency – Office of General Counsel Summer Law Clerk Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 09/15/12)
•    Federal Trade Commission – Bureau of Competition Intern Program (Paid, Deadline 09/15/12)
•    Department of Health & Human Services – Office of Counsel to the Inspector General Summer Law Clerk Program (Paid, Deadline not yet established was 09/16/11)
•    Ohio Attorney General’s Office – Summer Law Clerk Program (Paid, Deadline not yet established, was 09/23/11)
•    City of Philadelphia – District Attorney’s Office  Summer Legal Internships (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 09/28/12)
•    Environmental Protection Agency – R7 Summer Legal Intern Program (Unpaid, Deadline 09/30/12)
•    Federal Reserve Board – Summer Law Clerk Program (Paid, Deadline 09/30/12)