Happy Friday! The next couple of weeks at Law Career Services is full of great events, receptions, presentations, and more. Please check them out below.
1Ls: Meet the Employer Reception: April 11th: 1Ls don't miss the chance to mix and mingle with employers from all legal sectors at the annual 1L exclusive Meet the Employers Reception. Please note you must have attended Creating Connections (See the Symplicity Calendar for Dates and Times) to participate. Continue to check the Announcement Box on your Symplicity homepage for information and the list of employers. More Information Here.
April 4th, Self-Assesment Workshop: Does law school have you feeling like you're going through a car wash without a car? Check out Bonnie Tunick's popular Self-Assessment Workshop in 903 Lewis from 11:50am-12:50pm. SPACE is LIMITED so Please RSVP
Alternative Careers Presentation and Reception: Thursday, April 12th: National speaker Cheryl Heisler of Lawternatives will be speaking from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in 804 Lewis and then LCS is hosting a Reception in the DePaul Club for alumni and students. Individual Appointments will be available for sign up for students with approved resumes starting Monday at Noon. Please RSVP in Symplicity.
On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program Orientation Sessions Start Next Week: Attendance is REQUIRED to participate in the OCI (On-Campus Interview) programs, even if you attended previous FERP or SERP Orientations. Dates and Information
Interested in Judicial Clerking?: Are you considering a postgraduate Judicial Clerkship? Important Programming Continues Next Week.
April 4th: Skadden Fellowship Presentation at U of C: Transport Provided. Law Career Services is renting a van to U of C Law to hear from Susan Butler Plum, the Foundation's Executive Director. She'll give it to you straight and she'll be a key ally and sounding board if you pursue this opportunity. RSVPs have closed but van spots are still open. Please email Elizabeth Boe, Assistant Director of Recruiting (eboe@depaul.edu) to reserve.
1Ls: Due April 6th: 2012 Reed Smith and McDonald's Corporation 1L LCLD Summer Program: As members of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD), Reed Smith, LLP and McDonald's have collaborated in offering a 1L law student a spilt summer position within both of their organizations. Click Here for More Information