We hope you have a relaxing and wonderful Spring Break! Due to the break, we won't be sending out our next newsletter until the 30th so this issue is chock-full of the many events and opportunities happening for job searches and career development this month and in April.
Symplicity Document Library Renamed as Resources: The Document Library is now located under the RESOURCES TAB on your Symplicity Homepage as Resources. All of our guides, handouts, and applications have been moved there under the new heading.
Job Blasts: Starting on Tuesday, March 27th LCS will be sending out weekly class-specific job blasts noting open job postings in Symplicity. If you wish to Opt-Out of receiving this email, please visit the Privacy Sub-Tab under your Profile Tab on Symplicity and Click No for Receive Email Job Blasts.
Interested in Judicial Clerking?: Are you considering a postgraduate Judicial Clerkship? Come learn more about these invaluable opportunities at the Spring 2012 Judicial Clerkship Programming
Volunteered this Year? Report it!: Students who complete and report at least 50 hours of service to the Pro Bono and Community Service Intiative by April 4th are eligible for a prestigious service award which is a fantastic addition to your resume. Read More