July 9, 2009

Dos & Don'ts of Informational Interviewing

Informational interviewing, or the opportunity to find out more about a practice area, practice setting, or employer, can greatly expand your knowledge, network, and help you determine your interests. This fantastic article will help you approach such opportunities to make sure you are making the most of not only your time but also that of your contact.

July 8, 2009

Telling Stories -- Tempered by Some Advice

Are you looking to ace an interview. This blog post talks about the importance of telling stories -- the ways to illustrate your personality, skills, and value to the employer. The only fault we see with this posting is that it doesn't go far enough in encouraging you to remember that this job interview is all about the employer. What that means is that while the story is about you and your accomplishments, skills, and interests, you must make it about how this story will enhance the employer's needs.

July 7, 2009

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Lather, Rinse, Repeat. As you know, this could start you on an unending cycle of shampooing in the shower, but it a good philosophy to remember about perseverance. So how is this related to your job search? You need to stick to it! So even though it wasn't a career or professional blog, this little lesson on perseverance, and the habit of REPEAT, will serve you well as you continue to build your network, add new skills, and develop new interests, throughout your ENTIRE career!

July 6, 2009

Personal Branding: MJ Style

The Harvard Business Review blog discusses how Michael Jackson became a brand icon. Now, most attorneys do not become internationally known for their work but you can take this article to determine how to build your own personal brand on a smaller scale.

Networking is Just Relationship Building

We know you hate the word networking. But what is networking? It is just relationship building -- the opportunity to connect to people with similar interests, providing each other mutual benefits. We've purchased some great networking titles for the Resource Library - Building Career Connections: Networking Tools for Law Students and New Lawyers, How to Work a Room: Your Essential Guide to Savvy Socializing, and A Lawyer's Guide to Networking. Come in and check them out today!