March 5, 2009

Personal Marketing Plan & Networking

Before launching (or when re-evaluating) a job search, candidates are encouraged to think out their Personal Marketing Plans. This basically means the two to three qualities, skills, interests, and/or experiences you have to offer every employer, and then making sure those two to three things then translate well for each employer, and making adjustments as needed. Those two to three things should be reflected widely in your resume, in each individually crafted cover letter, in each interview answer, and in your follow-up communication. Tickled by Life provides a glimpse into thinking about your gold nuggets. You should also share this strategy with your mentors and networking contacts. Speaking of networking, the Lawyer Avenue Blog shares some insights on networking in this tough economy and why it is more critical than ever. Particularly insightful is her approach to networking -- essentially as relationship building first, job assistance second.