The Law Career Services Office hires Public Interest Coordinators (PICs), law students that assist with developing job search materials and job postings. This year, 2Ls Elizabeth Boe and Myra Mitchell are serving in this capacity, and we've asked them to provide a peek into their favorite resources, which we've called PIC's Picks.
Today, they present you the Government Honors & Internship Handbook. If you are interested in working for the federal or state government, a job sector that is expected to have growth in the next 18 months, check ou this resource. This site is great as it not only details jobs and internships by state or federal agency but also has salary, interviewing, and application deadline information. The Handbook is updated annually and lists both paid and unpaid as well as internship and postgraduate positions. Stop by the LCS for the login and password information.
Do you have a favorite resource? Email Alisa Rosales with that information!