November 5, 2009

Career Pyramid

Many of us will have various careers and career paths throughout our lives. In reading through Lindsay Pollak's blog posting on building your career pyramid, she really hit it home that we have several faces that we are showing the world and several skill sets that we are creating at any given time. This foundational base enables us to continue to build ourselves in various ways, being open to opportunities as they present themselves. This last point goes in hand with something being said in our office lately, which is "When the going gets tough, the tough get creative." What's in your toolkit and how does that help any given employer? What additional skills do you need to continue your own professional development? All of this is true for every one of us, from first year law student to experienced attorney to someone looking to transition to a non-legal career. After all, what's in your toolkit? And how are you going to market that?