December 8, 2009

PICs Picks: Hometown Networking

As we all prepare for exams and then a long hiatus from school, it is tempting to let our job search languish. One way to help stave off this urge and help to bolster your professional network is to try and reach out to attorneys who are based in your hometown. Many people in law school have some connection to working lawyers, whether it is friends' parents, parents' friends, a neighbor, or an old coach. While you are home for an extended period, reach out to these people and try to set up a meeting with them. Lunch, dinner, or even a cup of coffee will provide a chance to either kindle a new connection or renew a dormant one. It will also allow the person to see the professional you are aspiring to be and give them a chance to learn of your areas of interest. This could potentially large dividends for your job search in law school and beyond.