This is an important and time sensitive update about what began as the “Harkin bill,” became authorized by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, and is now entitled the Civil Legal Assistance Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program (CLAAP).
Five million dollars is now available for distribution to qualified civil legal assistance attorneys with federal student loan debt. The Department of Education will commit these funds to eligible civil legal assistance attorneys on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications are expected to be due by August 16, 2010.
As usual, the program includes some complexity. The fantastic and fabulous Heather Jarvis of Equal Justice Works has prepared and posted a comprehensive CLAAP information website and has scheduled two webinars to help civil legal assistance attorneys interested in the program.
Please help Equal Justice Works get word to your colleagues working as civil legal assistance attorneys. Please forward this announcement widely, distributing through discussion lists, and perhaps posting the announcement on your own website.