Law Career Services is happy to bring you these programs by Frank Kimball, one of the nation’s leading headhunters and a former hiring partner of Chicago’s McDermott, Will & Emery, to discuss strategies and tactics to help you identify and land the ideal place to begin your career.
These programs will cover:
- Developing a powerful method for networking
- Identifying lawyers whose interests and backgrounds match your own
- Considering multiple options
- Time management
- Setting priorities
- Creating a career path that matches your interests to the realities of the market
- Identifying smaller employers, government service options and off-season judicial clerkships
The programs will have a workshop-like environment, taking four hypothetical recent graduates with different aspirations and concerns and walking through the strategies, tactics and tools which each should employ. Wednesday, March 2, 6-8pm, Lewis 241
Pizza and soda will be served! Please RSVP on Symplicity. (This program is open to 2008-2010 graduates.)