April 24, 2012

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities at the CBA

Lawyers in the Classroom - May 4
The YLS has been paired with 5th and 6th grade classes at Decatur Elementary (7030 N Sacramento) to participate in Lawyers in the Classroom on the morning/early afternoon of May 4. Using materials developed by the Constitutional Rights Foundation of Chicago, the project aims to help local elementary students understand the U.S. Constitution and our legal system. Volunteer attorneys will be provided materials and asked to attend a one hour training on how to lead interactive lessons. Transportation is the responsibility of the volunteer. For more information or to volunteer contact Skip Harsch at malcolmaharsch@gmail.com.

Adopt-a-Beach Cleanup - May 24
The YLS Environmental Law Committee will be joining the Alliance for the Great Lakes and Barefoot Wine and Bubbly for an Adopt-a-Beach cleanup event at North Avenue Beach on May 24, 2012 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Volunteers will work in groups of three to collect, sort, and classify the items found on the beach. After the cleanup, Barefoot Wine and Bubbly will host a networking event with a free wine tasting at Castaways (1603 N. Lake Shore Drive near North Avenue Beach). To volunteer, email Joey Barnett at joeymartin.barnett@gmail.com.

CBF Pro Bono Support Program
Pro bono programs in and around Chicago have a variety of opportunities for you to help, and the CBF is available to help you find a pro bono opportunity that fits your skills, interests, and availability. The CBF Pro Bono Opportunities Guide is designed to help you find a pro bono program that fits your needs. For a hard copy of the guide or for more information on pro bono opportunities, contact CBF Pro Bono Director Kelly Tautges at ktautges@chicagobar.org or visit www.chicagobarfoundation.org.