OCI Tab is now open and OCI-Registered students may begin bidding
(submitting application materials) for the Fall On-Campus Interview
(OCI) Program.
1. Watch the OCI Orientation Video and complete the related Questionnaire: Please log into Symplicity where under the OCI Announcement Box you will find a link to the video and the required questionnaire.
2. Enter your Conflicts into your Calendar on Symplicity: Conflicts must be entered into the Calendar on Symplicity for ALL Business Days from August 13th to October 15th using the Personal Events Sub-Tab under the Calendar Tab. To express that you are free on a given day to interview all day, you must enter an appointment from 7:00am-8:00am for each of those days that says NO CONFLICTS. Without an entry on your Calendar for each day of OCI, we cannot process your schedule when we are creating interview schedules.
3. Have an Approved Résumé and then Complete the OCI Registration Form: Located under your Surveys Tab on Symplicity once your résumé has been approved by your advisor for the 2012-2013 academic year. Please note the Priority Resume Upload Deadline is July 13, 2012.
Participating Employers: Employers continue to register to participate in both the on-campus interview and resume collect portions of OCI. It is important to CONTINUALLY check the Participating Employers List (in the OCI Announcements Box on the Symplicity Homepage) throughout the summer to see employers added as well as any changes to pre-registered employer deadlines
Résumé Collect: Résumé Collect listings are located in the Job Postings section of Symplicity. To find the Résumé Collects you can search Job Postings by typing “Résumé Collect” (the phrase should be enclosed within quotations) into the search box. Additionally, you can select Résumé Collect under the Position Type drop down menu. You will need an approved résumé on Symplicity to apply. You do not have to register for OCI to apply to these employers.
Questions?: If you have questions related to OCI, please first consult the OCI FAQs (live the afternoon of 7/6/12), accessible via your Symplicity Homepage and the OCI Announcement Box. If you still have remaining questions, please contact Elizabeth Boe, Assistant Director of Recruiting at