October 30, 2012

PMF Tips: Focusing on the Criteria

As with any job, it is important to focus on what the employer needs from you to make their organization more successful.  For programs like the Presidential Management Fellows, it is a bit trickier because you don't have a specific employer you are targeting yet.  But it is also easier because they've identified the criteria on which they are basing their evaluations:

• Problem Solving
• Interpersonal Skills
• Oral Communication
• Written Communication
• Public Service Motivation
• Personal Accountability
• Adaptability

So the key to showing these through the experiences you've had that demonstrate those qualities.  You may not weave an example of each of these into every job on your resume or every short answer in the online assessment, but you'll want to demonstrate each of these criteria throughout the process.  Put your thinking caps on, and think about experiences that demonstrate a few of these qualities at the same time.  This will serve you well as more employers adopt utilizing behaviorial style interview questions.  If you have questions about the PMF application process, which will be open from November 5-19, 2012.  To be eligible, applicants must be current students graduating before August 31, 2012 and graduates since November 5, 2010, from an advanced degree (yes, your JD counts) program.