May 22, 2012

Making Symplicity Work for You: Job Search Agents

A great way for alumni and students to utilize Symplicity’s Job Posting section is to make use of the Job Search Agent feature. Job Search Agents are specialized listings of job postings within the Symplicity system that YOU create the criteria for. Instead of having to constantly check the system for new jobs, or create new searches each time you log-in, Symplicity does the work for you once the Search Agent is set up! Directions Below:

1)    Log into Symplicity (

2)    Under the Job Posting Tab, Click on Advanced Search.

3)    Title your search and check the “save as” box

4)    Tailor your search by selecting specific criteria such as geographic area, class level, and practice area.

5)    Click the Submit button after filling out the search criteria. It is recommended that you set up multiple Search Agents if you have multiple geographic or practice areas of interest.

6)    Your Search Agent will now appear under the Search Agent Sub-Tab under the Job Postings Tab.

7)    You can schedule your search agent to send results to your email on a weekly, monthly, even daily basis using the Schedule Run feature.

 Questions? Contact Law Career Services at or (312) 362-8385. You can also stop by our 340 O’Malley office to have a staff member assist you in setting up an agent.