May 25, 2012

Registration DUE May 31st for Cook County Bar Association's Minority Job Fair

The Cook County Bar Association (“CCBA”) is pleased to invite students to participate in the 29th Annual CCBA Minority Law Student Job Fair (“Job Fair”).  In an effort to keep the student-to-employer ratio as low as possible, the CCBA is only inviting J.D. students in the classes of 2014 (Rising 2Ls) and 2013 (Rising 3Ls). Please note that students graduating during or before January 2012 (current 3Ls) are not eligible.

The Job Fair typically attracts more than 800 students from eligible U.S. law schools.  Each year law firms, corporations, and governmental agencies register for the Job Fair.  These employers are located primarily in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Washington D.C. and Wisconsin.    In addition, we attract several employers from California, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nebraska, and North Carolina.  For more information, please see visit our informational website at

The CCBA Job Fair primarily is designed to obtain summer associate positions for rising 2Ls during their second summer in law school.  A limited number of employers also wish to interview rising 3Ls for entry level associate positions.  Rising 3Ls, please be aware that Job Fair interview slots for rising 2Ls (current 1Ls) typically outnumber those for rising 3Ls (current 2Ls) by a 3:1 ratio.The Job Fair Liaison will be the point person that should serve as your primary informational resource for the Job Fair.  FOR DEPAUL: Elizabeth Boe, Assistant Director of Recruiting at Law Career Services:

Student Registration is now open.  You must adhere to the CCBA registration process as noted below.  Registration for the Job Fair is mandatory; absolutely no “walk-ins” will be allowed to participate.  Registration for the Job Fair must be completed electronically through Symplicity (the CCBA’s site, not

STEP ONE - Create your personal CCBA Job Fair Profile

To register, please visit and register for a new account.  If you participated in an earlier CCBA Job Fair, please do not reuse your log-in information.  All 2012 participants must create a new account.  Photographs can be uploaded to student profiles.  You must list your correct class year and graduation date.  Only rising 2Ls (current 1Ls) and rising 3Ls (current 2Ls) are allowed to register for our Job Fair.  Please note that students graduating during or before January 2013 (current 3Ls) are not eligible.  Students, please note that you will be required to include the correct email address for your law school’s Job Fair Liaison on your registration profile. FOR DEPAUL: That is Elizabeth Boe, Assistant Director of Recruiting at Law Career Services:   Please identify this person prior to registering and consult with them as a resource for all questions related to the CCBA Job Fair.

       After you complete your profile and click “submit,” you will receive an email directing you  to confirm your email address.  Following your confirmation of your email address, the CCBA administrators will review your profile information.  Once the Job Fair Committee confirms that your law school has, in fact, registered for the 2012 Job Fair, and you appear to meet our eligibility requirements, you will have access to your Symplicity account.  You may then log into Symplicity to confirm or edit your profile information, change your password, and upload your resume. Several students have inquired about their student identification numbers for purposes of completing their Symplicity profiles.  Please inform your students that they can select any series of numbers as their student identification number.

STEP TWO - Submit your resume online by May 31, 2012

Each participating student must register and upload their resume to their Job Fair profile no later than Tuesday, May 31, 2012 at 11:59 PM CST (NO EXCEPTIONS).  It is best to upload your resume immediately after creating your profile.  Your resume must include your name, email address, law school name, and your graduation date.  Next, each student’s registration will undergo the 2011 Job Fair Committee’s approval process which includes:


1.       Verification that each student’s law school has registered for the Job Fair;

2.       Confirmation from each student’s Job Fair Liaison that they meet all participation criteria

a.         Each student must actually attend the school listed in their profile and on their resume;

b.         Each student must actually be in the classes of 2014 or 2013 (rising 2Ls and 3Ls only - no graduates may attend); and

      c.         Each student’s projected graduation date must be correct.

If you have any questions about registering for the CCBA Minority Job Fair, please contact Elizabeth Boe, Assistant Director of Recruiting at or 312-362-8386