The 2012 OCI Announcement Box is now live on the Symplicity homepage. As the summer continues, please be checking this Box regularly for news and information about the On-Campus Interview Program occurring this Fall.
Please remember that OCI Orientation Attendance is REQUIRED to participate in the OCI (On-Campus Interview) programs. Even if you attended previous FERP or SERP Orientations, you MUST have ATTENDED an OCI Orientation in April 2012 or now watch the Orientation Video to be eligible to participate in OCI Programs for the 2012-2013 school year. The 30 minute session covers important OCI deadlines, the registration process, and more.
LCS is providing virtual opportunities to view the OCI Orientation if you missed any of the live sessions. The 2012 OCI Orientation is posted online via the Symplicity homepage under the OCI Announcement Box. Additionally, we have it downloaded on the computers in the LCS Library and a DVD for rental from the LCS Library. Please note that you must view the OCI Orientation video and successfully complete the quiz that can be found under the Symplicity Survey Tab called OCI 2012 Orientation Quiz.
Any questions? Please contact Law Career Services at, 312-362-8385 or stop by our office (340 O'Malley)